Google Adwords Consultant and Adwords Help
But.. Oh there’s always a “but” isn’t there!
To be clear, as your Google Adwords Consultant I can setup and manage properly your Google Adwords account, ensure it is done properly and that you spend as little as possible while getting as many clicks as possible. But, and here it is…so could you and that’s the thought in the back of your mind right now I would bet.
In fairness I’d probably ask the same question and the only way to respond to that is by saying either, have a go yourself or have you ever done this properly in the past?
We’ve all heard of the saying “a good accountant pays for themselves” haven’t we? Well it’s the same scenario here. My work will pay for itself in the savings you will make plus the additional clicks I will send.
How much do you charge as a Google Adwords Consultant?
It really depends but typically I charge to setup a campaign and then maintain it monthly for you. Like with SEO handover there is an option for me to set it up, run it for a week or two then hand you the keys so to speak, but if you want me to manage it for you typically I charge around £65-£125 per month, again this depends heavily on the size of the campaign and the amount of work involved.
Interested in my Google Adwords Consultant services? Give me a call anytime on 03333 442 102 or message me privately on Facebook, G+ or Twitter.
* An Adwords campaign is a great idea to run along side a new SEO campaign. The idea is that while your keywords are taking time to hit page 1, your site will be found via PPC.
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